The Clark Amish Community, begun in 1953, is one of Missouri’s largest Amish settlements. It has more than 195 families spread over more than 15 square miles. Stores are open Monday through Saturday but closed Sundays and Christian Holidays. Clark is only a few miles north of Centralia, MO.
Amish have no electricity or phone lines so credit or debit cards are not accepted. Cash and checks are welcome.
Amish Area Map (PDF)
Amish Community Facebook Page
There are many homes selling sorghum, eggs, popcorn, candy and produce in season. Watch for signs posted to locate these places in additions to the locations on this map.
Remember, we share our roads with slow moving horse-drawn vehicles and horses are sometimes frightened by automobiles. For everyone’s safety, please slow down!
The Amish do not wish to be photographed. Please honor their beliefs and refrain from taking photographs or using video cameras during your visit.
Like most home based businesses, public areas are limited. Please do not wander about or invade private areas. Parents should supervise their children at all times. Pets are not welcome; Please leave your pets at home to avoid problems with farm dogs, chickens and livestock.
Merchants in the Amish Community Area
Ma Tin’s Attic
2554 ACR 132
Clark, MO
Open Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Offering antiques and American handcrafted one-of-a-kind items, candles, melting tars and so much more!
Clark Produce Auction LLC
The place to buy and sell Missouri grown, farm fresh produce, bedding plants, pumpkins, fall decoration, and pot mums.
Located on:
2048 Highway Y, Clark, MO 65243
30 miles North of Columbia or 15 miles SE of Moberly.
In 2017 we added 9600 square feet to the building. This eliminated produce sitting in the sun while waiting to be sold. Produce is now unloaded on the floor (in rows) under the roof making it easier for buyers to walk along and see what will be sold, also allowing it to be sold faster, reducing the time buyers need to be at the auction.
All auctions start at 10:30 a.m. Wholesale lots sell first. Approximate selling time is 1-3 hours.
Special Pre-Mother's Day Flower Auction is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8 at 10:30 a.m.
The special Craft and Quilt Auction is scheduled for Friday, September 21 at 10:00 a.m. Quilts sell at approx. 1:00 p.m.
Wholesale Produce that is freshly picked for quality and flavor. Graded and packed into standard containers. Selling by box, cart, or bin lots.
The auctions start in April with flowers, bedding plants, potted plants, and early produce. Then moving into the season with lots of hanging baskets, greenhouse and high-tunnel tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, zucchini, green beans, sweet onions, peppers, sweet corn, cantaloupes, field tomatoes, watermelon, winter squash, squash, mums, pumpkins, gourds, fall Cole crops, etc.
All listed crops and others are offered at auction as they locally come in season. Wholesale lots are given priority.
Manager: Albert Troyer, 2480 Audrain Road 154, Clark, MO 65243
Auctioneer: Jeremy Garber, 660-723-5043
Order Buyer: Bret Miller, 660-651-5545
Thank you for visiting the Clark Amish Community and have a safe trip home!
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